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Labour Market Navigator 2012

The Labour Market Navigator is the definitive guide to market trends Click here to view full issue. Written by Loane Sharp, Dr Neil Rankin, Peter Aling and Ted Black. Loane Sharp Director: Economic Analysis, Prophet Loane Sharp is a labour economist at Prophet Analytics, South Africa’s leading labour analytics company. Loane is an international award-winning researcher who has […]

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SABMiller return on assets managed curve is stirring

SABMILLER was seen as the “only world-class” South African firm 20 years ago. Since its move to London it has done its shareholders proud if you look at the growth in the firm’s value — especially in rand terms. For every year bar one from 2005, its market capitalisation has more than doubled the tangible […]

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Roaming for opportunity in the financial crisis

Why do company managers keep employees ignorant, like priests in the Dark Ages hoarding knowledge? SA WILL not escape the effects of the financial collapse that started in the US. With falling sales, companies will lay off people to cut costs. The sad thing is that many of those who lose jobs won’t even know […]

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Sense of belonging is the cement of success

The depreciation of community within our business organisations hurts them at every level, write Ted Black and Gerard van Hoek. THE “Greed is Good!” doctrine that fuelled the 1980s boom, the dotcom bubble, and then the investment banksters’ subprime mortgage scam, has caused another crisis. The late management expert Peter Drucker saw early signs of […]

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Casting the spell of success by asking for what we want

Business leaders must develop the skill of demanding results if they want to tap potential, write Ted Black and Gerard van Hoek. THE Democratic Alliance’s new team in Western Cape sparked much sound and fury after the election. It raised a critical issue ignored at the time. SA’s future success depends on a few factors. […]

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