Ted Black – Management guru


Ted Black has held senior positions in organization development, general management and been a director of companies. Today, he acts as mentor and coach to executives. Using the ROAM model (Return-on-Assets Managed) to pinpoint opportunity, he helps them design high-precision, results-driven projects. These turn strategy into action. In turn, the process grows managers and their teams fast and measurably – the prime goal.

He has published three books. One of them, the best seller “Who Moved My Share Price?” was co-authored with Professor Andy Andrews. It is a controversial story based on real events about the issue of ethical management, asset productivity and shareholder value. A parable that looks at why even the biggest companies can suddenly fail. It shows how using the ROAM Model (Return on Assets Managed), makes it possible for all managers to quickly develop an understanding of finance that equips them to operate with confidence at any level. The book, launched in August 2002, has been a best seller.

Ted also speaks at conferences and business schools, writes regularly for Business Day, and is an affiliate of Robert H. Schaffer and Associates.

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